Hurricane info for tenants & landlords

Hi Everyone, 

We need to protect our properties from the threatening storms: Watch for storm warnings and pay attention to all weather reports. 

If any storm is threatening to come our way, it will force us to get our acts together. Let’s prepare now. 

LANDLORDS – Please let me know if you wish us to assess your home for trees and any overhangs on to your roofs or any debris that needs to be removed. We also should check all of the tenants’ hurricane accordion shutters to see if they need grease/oil to close easily. If we have to check on the metal shutters, it will be an additional charge due to the fact of putting them all up in place to see if they are all there or see if any hardware is missing. Write to us for more info on a quote to [email protected] 

TENANTS – If you have hurricane shutters – you MUST put them up at a warning. If you have no shutters, please leave the property for your own safety. DO NOT TAPE ANY WINDOWS. If for some reason you cannot add your shutters due to a handicap or just can’t put them up. Please let us know immediately. All Landlords want their properties protected. Please contact us early. If you have a 2 story home and you need help – ask us. We don’t want any falls off ladders or any problems with adding shutters. 

Please bring in all items from outside (tables, chairs, plants in pots etc) and take away any lawn debris that can fly which includes coconuts and fruits, lock all gates. Put your grill inside at an easy place so after a storm you can easily move it outside to cook. 

Please heed all warnings when posted and that you are prepared. If any problems, we need to address them now. Email me only as time is very important when we are in emergency mode. My cell phone will only be used for major emergencies and text messages will receive faster service 305-528-5558. 

Take photos of your valuables for tenant insurance claims. Put your tenant insurance policies in a plastic bag for easy access. If you have not obtained tenant coverage for your own personal items, then you should consider getting it asap. Landlord coverage does not include your own personal property. All of you were advised to obtain this insurance at signing of your lease. 

Put towels in door jams and by windows as the heavy rains can seep through. Have cash on hand for emergencies, flashlights, batteries, hurricane candle lamps, transistor radio, food with a regular hand can opener, water, prescriptions, gas in car, add water to your bathtub so you can use it to flush the toilets. Make sure your cell phone is completely charged and an old plug in phone that you can use when the cell phone is dead. 

Turn your computers OFF including your printers and unplug them. Also unplug TV’s and stereos/DVD players and all electrical items to protect them. 

Keep your refrigerator ON and do not open the door unless it is needed so the food can stay cool as long as possible. 

Have your camera and cell phone ready so you can take photos after a storm of any damage to email me. Keep on hand a portable battery radio to stay tuned to the storm. 

Stock up on canned goods and water WAY IN ADVANCE to avoid all the lines at the grocery store. Fill up your tank with gas. Have cash on hand in case you will need something in an emergency. 

LANDLORDS – all of your tenants are very responsible. They will secure everything and protect themselves. I will give you an assessment of everything if anyone has encountered storm damage. We will all work together to take care of each other. 

Please do not panic. We are here. We will all be in it together and we all help each other. 

All the best to all of you. Be safe and careful! 

Harriet Martin