View our website:
It’s updated regularly so visit often. Hundreds of rentals to choose from! Simply give us all the details of what you’re looking for. We can then begin to email you with rentals that meet your criteria right away!
We will discuss the management directly with your customer or send all the email brochures to you. You can then decide if you want us to sign them up or you wish to be present for the meeting. You are always welcome.
We will ALWAYS protect YOU with your customer. Your customer is YOURS FOR LIFE! We will only manage for your Landlord, while at all times advising your landlord that YOU will renew the lease or you will list to rent again or sell for them. We are looking for management only.
We know the VALUE of a customer and we have an excellent reputation protecting our Realtors. Don’t let the extra income from property management opportunities pass you by!
You already know that if your customer wants management for their rental, they will choose someone on their own—thus you run the risk of losing your customer.
It is always best if you can direct your customer from the start and keep control throughout the entire process. We are happy to include you in all of our email correspondence with your customer.